Monday, January 30, 2012

Hacker Review of Clear Sentences.

E-ex 8-1 Active vs. passive verbs: This exercise was very helpful, because I do not always understand the difference between what is happening and what has happened. 

E-ex 8-2 Active vs. be verbs: This was not very helpful. I did very well in this exercise, and realized the difference in how strong or weak writing or making a statement/question can be.

E-ex 8-3 Active verbs  (edit and compare): This exercise was helpful, it helped me get a review of how to make strong sentences, and take away extra words or information that are unnecessary.

E-ex 9-1 Parallelism: Although I knew about this exercise well, it was still helpful because it was a good reminder to use the same endings, such as -ing, -es, or -ed. 

E-ex 9-2 Parallelism: This exercise was not very helpful because I knew already about parallelism and what is acceptable and what is not.

E-ex 9-3 Parallelism  (edit and compare): This exercise was not helpful, I had almost all the same answers as the possible revisions. It did make me think though about how my sentences needed to be and was a good review.

E-ex 10-1 Needed words: This exercise was helpful and reminded me of words that may be unnecessary in writing.

E-ex 10-2 Needed words  (edit and compare): This exercise was helpful because my revisions were not always like what the revisions the program had. I did learn about more ways to make a sentence more complete.

E-ex 11-1 Mixed constructions: This exercise was helpful because it made me realize what was a better sentence word choice than some I may have used otherwise, such as how to start a definition properly.

E-ex 11-2 Mixed constructions  (edit and compare): This exercise was helpful because I had a hard time distinguishing between using words that are appropriate for a sentence and other that are not correct, such as starting a sentence with "by".

E-ex 12-1 Misplaced modifiers: This exercise was not helpful because I knew that certain words need to be close to what it is modifying. 

E-ex 12-2 Misplaced modifiers  (edit and compare): This exercise was helpful because it showed me how to make sentences clearer.
E-ex 12-3 Dangling modifiers: This exercise was not helpful because I already knew that the subject should be named right away.

E-ex 12-4 Dangling modifiers  (edit and compare): This exercise tricked me, and was very helpful. Even when I thought the sentence was not right, it was and only needed little revising, where as I thought  it needed a lot.

E-ex 13-1 Shifts: person and number: This exercise was not helpful because I already knew that the subject needs to only be singular or plural throughout the sentence. 

E-ex 13-2 Shifts: tense: This exercise was not helpful because I understand that the tenses or words cannot change in a sentence. They need to be the same.  

E-ex 13-3 Shifts: This exercise was not helpful, I already knew that the tense needs to be the same, and the voice needs to be either direct or indirect. A person should not ever use the word "you" either. 

E-ex 13-4 Shifts  (edit and compare): This exercise was helpful because a few times I had my words mixed up and not how they should have been. I noticed again that using the word "you" is incorrect. 

E-ex 14-1 Choppy sentences: This exercise was helpful because I had a review of dangling modifiers and also when and where to add commas. 

E-ex 14-2 Choppy sentences  (edit and compare): This exercise was helpful because I learned how to combine similar topics and make the sentence run smoother. 

E-ex 14-3 Subordination: This exercise was helpful, because I didn't understand that when a writer adds "which" it takes away the emphasis on the next information.

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