Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Comparing interview three to two and one

From my first interview to my second there was a huge difference, but from my second to my third there was an even bigger difference. I could tell that my interviewee felt much more comfortable in the process and me as well. I feel like I understood how I could ask questions as I went, and figured out what worked and what did not. I understand and have a concept of how I can take words and rearrange them so I can get my question or meaning out. Differently for my third interview I had talked to my interviewee for at least 20 minutes on general information before we got into any questions or even started recording. I feel like that helped ease any worries that either party would have had. It also helped me and the interviewee gain confidence. My third and final interviewee was not from either of the same countries as my first or second. He was from Rwanda. I now have a sense of 3 totally different cultures/countries, and feel like I am a more rounded person because of it. I feel myself looking at a situation or certain thing and think of what I had learned in my interview about another country. I do that in school, where I will just tell somebody a fact or part of my interview to share the information I have received. For something new, I learned that Rwanda has not always had peace, and there have been a lot of people killed. That was very scary for me to learn, and it made me think about how good we have it here right now in the United States. Something contradictory from my first and second interview is that the sense of religion from culture to culture. My interviewee from Germany was a little religious, and my interviewee from China was not at all. JB from Rwanda was the most religious, and he prayed before bed every night just like me. It was excellent that he did what he could to remember to pray, and I admired that a lot. I spent two hours transcribing the interview, but I enjoyed every minute of it. It was nice to read and hear the conversation again. I felt the same way, excited about the information I had/was learning.  I am very satisfied with my final interview, and compared to everyone else I am satisfied also. My interviews were commonly put into other’s top three, and for me to see that felt wonderful. I am glad with the time and effort I have put into my three interviews, especially my last. I am glad I was able to have the experience.

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